You have to take chances in life...otherwise life is just a bunch of endless Thursdays - Quote from the movie Rumor Has It
Flying into Dublin Thursday morning after being on a plane or in an airport for roughly 17 hours, more or less, we were, needless to say, exhausted, yet extremely excited and thrilled to be here. Most of us hadn't slept but a few hours (my husband Kevin and I came over with another couple), and some of us hadn't slept at all, so catching some shut eye, if only for an hour or so, sounded like a great idea.
First stop: The hotel. We are staying in the Stillorgan Hotel which is a really beautiful and all around Irish hotel. They have excellent coffee (better than any Starbucks or local coffee shop I'm used to) and the Guiness is so much better than any Guiness I've tasted in the states. It's rich, creamy and flows down mighty easily...a little too easily. It's my new favorite beer.
After sleeping for a good chunk of the morning and afternoon, we were more than ready to adventure some of this gorgeous and fast moving city. This city is crazy, wild, and and all together wonderful. It's also very expensive. The weather is gorgeous (which we hear is not normal for this time of year) and it was a perfect 70 deg and sunny. Just lovely. We're hoping it continues for a few more days, but no guarantees. But, we are prepared for the rain, if it happens to show it's weary head while we're here.
The day was spent visiting countless castles and churches in Dublin, shopping, and drinking beer. You can't

More on Ireland later.......
Knitting news:
I'm off to more adventerous parts of this country tomorrow, so may not be posting for a couple of weeks, and may not even be internet bound, so thought I would post a few photos of what I'm currently working on and plan to work on while I'm here and in the near future.

Started Sock Hop Wild Thing socks. Love the colors!

I'm test knitting a sweater for Sundara Yarn, and recieved the yarn just before I departed for this fine country. The yarn was a mystery to me until I received it...and I immediately fell in love! (Pictures do not do this yarn justice!) Will post more on this when I return.
Started the Socks that Rock Sock Club socks, but don't have photos available yet!
Also almost finished the Petals Collection Sock Club socks, but don't have photos available yet!
Knit on!