It's been so long since my last post - a couple of weeks, at least, and I apologize. This is such a crazy time of year, as most of you can probably agree and totally relate to, and blogging time just seemed to slip between my fingers. Christmas shopping, family gatherings, and finishing up knitting gifts really filled up my time. My goal for the new year is to blog several times each week. We'll see how long I can keep that up, but my intentions are surely good and filled with hope. :)
I finished the Shetland Triangle shawl for my sister's Christmas gift, and it looked so lovely on her! It just really accents her face and personality, so I'm happy I chose the colors (thanks to NK) for her. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this pattern, it can be found in
Wrap Style, and is such a great pattern! Each of us WHY gals has made one, I believe, or are in the process. Several of us have used the pattern at least more than once. It's that awesome!
I used almost 2 skeins of
STR Petrified Wood in the lightweight. I would use this yarn for everything if I could, and it especially works really beautifully for making these shawls. The color and striping that happens is just amazing. STR, you Rock!

In the middle of getting packages wrapped, making holiday cookies, and having countless parties, we decided we needed just a little more action in our lives, because all of this just wasn't quite enough. We headed off to
Six Flags in California for the weekend last weekend. The first day was a little rainy, however, the second day was a picture perfect day, sunny skies all around, perfect temperature, and Six Flags was a blast. Here are some highlights:

Our walk up to "
Superman: the Ride" was quite overwhelming. First of all, it's a trek and a half just to walk up to the front of the ride. From the front of this, you can't even see the ride, and it's quite a walk to the ride even from here. We hear from several other people that they have been having complications with the ride all day long, however, it's now running. That makes us feel really safe! Complications? What kind of complications one always wonders? I mean, is the thing coming off the track periodically? Is it stopping at the top and are they having difficulty getting it down? Hmmmm.
Needless to say, we do venture down to the ride. Here's a bird's eye view of the ride:

As you can see (hopefully you can see from this photo), the ride takes off at a gazillion miles a minute and goes up a very steep incline, stopping you near the top. Then it does the same thing back down. That's it! Just like Superman, I guess. :)
Here's my darling daughter Whitney, as we're getting ready to get on another coaster. The excitement is just bursting out of her!

We end up riding almost every coaster in Six Flags - well, at least my husband and daughter do. The best, and my all time favorite, was
Tatsu. It's totally awesome!
Overall, it turned out to be a really great vacation - just the break we all really needed from the busy-ness of the holidays.
In more knitting news, I have finally finished
Cozy. For those of you who don't know, I started Cozy last Christmas for my MIL, and never ended up finishing it in time for Christmas. I wasn't really great at lace knitting at that time, and had made some mistakes in the first part of it, struggled with ripping it out, etc. etc. The never ending excuses as to why I hadn't finished it. But then, I got a fire under my ass or something, because I picked it up last month and have not put it down! I ripped out and started over what I had started last year, and it came out just beautifully. It's a super easily memorizable pattern, you can make it as long as you want, or as short as you want, and it can be used as a wrap, a lap blanket, etc. It's great. Here are some shots of the Cozy debut:
Cozy pattern is from and I used 8 skeins of
Knit Picks Andean Silk in Sangria colorway.

Sorry for so many shots....Cozy just loves to be in the spotlight for some reason. :)
Happy Holidays!