"I got chills, they're multiplyin, and I'm losin control...cause the power, you're supplyin...it's Electrifyin!" -Danny Zuko from the original Grease
So, I must confess, I've gotten hooked to another reality series this winter, and this one takes the cake as being pretty cheesy, but hey, it's good and it's addictive. (Aren't they all?) The Series is called Grease: You're the One that I Want! I think the reason I'm so "addicted" to this certain series is because it reminds me of a time when I was in school (during the 70's), and brings back so many memories! I remember seeing Grease when it was just at the movie theatre....I remember thinking Danny (John Travolta) was sizzlin hot playing the good boy/bad boy character...I remember the craze for wearing tight stretch pants during that time, and I remember dreaming about high school being just like it was in Grease. Of course, I was in a for a big surprise there, but I guess it was good while it lasted. Of course, John Travolta is still hot. I saw him last night on Jay Leno - yes he has aged - but still hot? You bet!
So, I have been running around here singing various Grease tunes for the past couple of weeks since the show started. Getting knitting done? Not so much, but the singing has been fantastic! I'm awaiting my sock club socks from STR and Sundara this week. I really want to stay ahead of the curve this year - get each pair of socks done before the next kit arrives. It seems that I fell a little behind this last year - of course that is due to various reasons (which will be revealed in future posts), but the jist of all of that is - I do not (and am not) going to fall behind this year! :)
My MIL house sat for us this weekend while we were at Stitches (which was awesome btw), and we came home to wonderful spring arrangements of silk flowers everywhere in the house. One thing you must know about me - I really love silk flowers and silk flower arrangements (and happily, so does my MIL - she used to make flower arrangements for a living) Not the cheesy ones you've probably seen in a cheap hotel lobby - but ones made with really good quality silk flowers and ones that look beautiful and tasteful. Here are just a couple of the ones she did over the weekend:
So I must sign off for now, but I'm going to leave you with a little yarn porn today....can you guess what it is?
More on this next time......