Hello Dear Readers!
Well, it's that time of year again....the sun is out, the sky is blue, for some of us our knitting is put aside for outdoorsy pursuits. You know what else it's time for??? Come on...I know you know!
It's time to support
Claudia on her annual MS 150 bike ride!
That's right. Two days. 150 miles. All for multiple sclerosis!
You might remember that MS is close to the knitterly hearts of us here at weheartyarn. I am a research scientist in an MS research laboratory in Portland, OR. We are working very hard to find a cure for this debilitating disease. We have friends with MS. We have friends whose children have MS. We know other knitters with MS.
MS is an unauthorized attack on the central nervous system by cells in the body that normally protect us. MS affects over 500,000 people in the U.S. MS causes a range of chronic and progressive symptoms, including fatigue, numbness and paralysis.
It's time to wipe out MS. Now.
Please, follow the link in the side bar to Claudia's Knitters Against MS page, read why she is riding, and please consider donating as you can. Last year Claudia and her team raised almost $18,000 dollars, this year she is aiming for $20,000!!
Please, help Claudia ride for those who no longer can.
We heart you Claudia!
Thank you in advance, for making this her most successful ride yet!!!