Summer of socks 2007 has come to a close, which means summer is also about to fade away. The air is brisk and the mornings are becoming laden with dew. The days are shortening. The leaves are just beginning to turn...Fall is just a pirouette away. It's time to reap the harvest from the summer of socks.
It was great fun to see what everyone was knitting during the SoS. Some knitters were very prolific...it seemed like they were completing a new pair of socks everyday!! Some knitters created a new design with every sock AND knit lots of socks to boot. Me, well...perhaps the Summer of Monkey Socks in STR would accurately peg me. But, it didn't matter, as long as socks were on the needles!
A special thank you needs to go out to Jessica the hostess of Summer of Socks 2007! What a task to put together such a big KAL. She did a wonderful job and I hope she'll consider doing it again next year! And to all the blog readers, wow...what dedication you had!! Special thanks to Megan and Melinda who took good care of me and my updates!!
I completed 7 pairs of socks from June 21 through September 21, 2007.

I knit picot cuffs (alot of picot cuffs!)...

I knit a lace cuff...

I knit monkeys...and more monkeys...

I knit some non-monkey-non-picot socks (alert the press!!)

My toes matched...

or not...

I had a blast knitting these socks this summer, and I hope those of you that followed my sock knitting adventures on the blog had fun as well! I'm a dyed in the wool autumn girl, but I suspect that everytime I wear these socks a little bit of summer fun will lighten my step!!!
The clock has continued to tick away the minutes as I write this very last post of the summer...the pirouette is almost complete...
Happy Autumn Everyone!! Knit On!!