The day started off a little green-eyed, but I quickly got over that monster after talking to Linda and L-B while they were at Stitches!! Twice!! I swear to goodness, I haven't heard such a gaggle of giggles in an age!
To top off the day, more giggles were to be had up at Tina's...So, what do a fiber artist and a neuroknitter do on a glorious Saturday afternoon?
We graffitied her pod...

"Beware of what?", you might ask.

The blind vandal...I mean graffiti artist...perhaps?

What? You've never seen sock graffiti before? You're not in Kansas anymore...this is Blue Moon territory!

I believe there might even be a face in that moon if you look hard enough...

Not bad for first timers, huh!? We laughed so hard I bet they heard us at Stitches!!