I received a "You make my day" award from both Carrie and Wendy!! Wow!! I'm so honored. I'm tickled that you enjoy coming around and checking out the We Heart Yarn neighborhood! Thank you so much!
It's so hard to choose just 10 blogs...there are so many that bring a smile to my face and inspire me.
In no particular order:
Black Dog Knits: I am in awe of all the beauty Nora creates and she makes it seem so extraordinarily effortless. Her photographs will stop you in your tracks!
We Do Not Have a Knitting Problem: Smiles galor, great knitting, wonderful energy...and how fun that I actually got to meet her a couple of times while she was in PDX!
Rani Knits: I heart her! She cracks me up. Her knitting is fun and varied and she has an exceptional attitude. And of course, it's the home of Leo!
Knitguy: Have you seen his spinning?? OMG! Go now. And he's tres funny.
Stitch Marker: Beautiful photography, lovely knitting and I so enjoy reading about her world.
Wendy Knits: She has been a near daily read for quite a few years now, I love following all of her knitting projects and Gibson loves following sweet Lucy!!
Knitspot: I can't wait for the next bit of gorgeousness to emerge from her needles, and her generous booster campaign in support of Claudia's MS150 ride really made my day!
Claudia's Blog: Her MS150 ride brought me in to her blog, her knitting and writing have kept me there!
Woolgirl and
Twisted for inspiring me to...well...shop! You are fiber-pushers extraordinaire!
Now go on and make the day of 10 other people! The gift that keeps on giving!!

Briefly, the second SSS is almost completed. I have 3 pattern repeats on the leg and the edging left to knit. It takes me approximately 30 minutes per pattern repeat plus maybe 30 minutes for the edging and bind-off, I estimate 2 more hours of knitting time and I have 3.5 3 hours left of the day. I am determined to finish a pair of socks by the end of the month! TTFN!
p.s. The kitty paw print in the snow was left by Theo, our neighbor's cat. He was helping me with the photoshoot!
ETA: SSS are done!!! With 30 minutes to spare!!