Hmmmm....what arrived this time?

The lovely, lovely Spina di Pesce kit from Yarnissima. Yum! I got mine just in the nick of time as they appear to be gone now. Who knows...they might resurface again!!
The always delightful Rani tagged me for a 7-fact declaration....
Rules are: 1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here goes:
1. I have a Ph.D. in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology and am currently working in a multiple sclerosis research laboratory....where most everyone is/has been a knitter.
2. I don't like camping. At all.
3. I knit in the car...when I'm driving...less than 5 mph.
4. I was a BIG Emerson, Lake and Palmer fan while in college...Please spare me and don't do the math! They were my first live concert! Tres cool!
5. I don't like driving over bridges or flying over water.
6. I don't like my feet touched...it makes getting that once a year pedicure very precarious for the pedicurist!! I tend to kick alot!!! :) She giggles and tells me I need to come in more often to become desensitized!!! Right!
7. I had over 20,000 pieces of email archived at work. I was able to remove about 5,000 posts before the big migration to another email server/system/somethingoranother like that. I'm stymied on the remaining ~15,000 pieces. They recommend only having 5,000 in your archive. I'm doomed.
That took a lot out of me to come up with those 7 facts...I'm not sure I can tag 7 people, so I will tag these fine folks to tell us a bit about themselves:
Adam at Knitguy
Carrie at We Do Not Have a Knitting Problem and
Jen at Woolgirl