Monday, December 01, 2008

What's cookin'?

We did a bit of knitting and a bit of cooking on Sunday. This sock is simmering along...slowly, but surely. Clearly, it wasn't completed by Thanksgiving...but I've got my fingers crossed to have this pair finished by the first day of winter. We'll see. I'm not gonna stress out...(so she says now!).

And what did I cook, you might ask? You'll have to check back and see! I had to quickly do the photoshoot before the "props" were devoured!

Happy December 1st!

p.s. I can't believe I drank that whole pot of coffee that you see, or rather that you don't see, in the background...hmmm...perhaps an intervention is necessary? NOT!

1 comment:

IrishGirlieKnits said...

No intervention fuels your prolific knitting!!

Cookies?!! based on the cooling rack...yummmmmm