Oh my!!! I have been honored with two blog awards! Count 'em...Two!! Thank you, thank you to Anita and Courtney! You are way too kind! Blush!!!
Now it's my turn to pay it forward.
There seem to be three types of blogs I read lately...well....look at really. I seem to have an attention span of a gnat, so the more pictures the better. I hit those blogs which are focused on knitting (kind of a duh, huh?), food with an emphasis on the photography, and straight up photographic eye candy. So, I'm going to pepper my list with blogs from each of these categories. It's hard to generate a short list from the wonderful blogs that I read regularly, but here are 7 blogs that if you haven't run into yet, you should take a detour to check out!
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman Ree is a hoot. She is a mother, wife, cook, writer, photographer. She lives on a working ranch...a luscious backdrop for many of her stories and images. Her blog is a striking amalgam of humor of the ROTFLOL kind, forthrightness, and compassion. She will keep you entertained until the cows...er, horses, come home!
Simply Photo this blog is anything but simple. Jen is amazing. What is super fun is that she scours the internet looking for inspiring images and photographers to share with her readers. You can also catch up with her previous projects here and here.
Pictures and Pancakes One food stylist + one food photographer = FANtastic!!
Moonstitches Alex is the hostess of this lovely blog. She is a lovely knitter and an all around creative person. Her photography is in a word ~ 'pure'.
Domesticrafts OMG! Li is an amazing photographer and knitter. Her kitty pictures are fabulous. I've never seen anyone capture the essence and soul of a cat the way she can. She has recently started her own pet photography business...I'm anxiously waiting for her to make a trek to the west coast...Gibson deserves only the best!
sixoneseven Parikha is a master knitter, cook, seamstress and photographer. I heart her imagery. Heart it. She is an inspiration. If you haven't come across her work yet...go now!
t does wool I'm new to Theresa's blog. I love her photographic style and her words are poetic. If you need a respite from the chaos of the world, take a quick trip to her blog. I promise you your shoulders will relax, your brows unfurl, and your breathing will slow. You'll feel renewed and rejuvenated. Her blog is a virtual spa!
That's it. Grab yourself a cup of your favorite drink, curl up with your 'puter, and go on a virtual road trip around blogland! I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I do!! And don't forget to click on the blog links within each of these sites...you'll find many treasures, I'm sure. They don't call it a "web" for nothing!
OT: AI: I'm pleased with the first set of picks for the top 3! Go Danny, Go!! Woot!!
Happy Thursday!!