Thursday, March 05, 2009

Folded with a bow

Jen's first Woolgirl sock club kit of the year arrived! Mercy! I'm still on a ventilator from the excitement of it all!

Check out what was encased inside this cool pyramidal box...chocolate!! Not just any chocolate...Cleopatra embossed gold and silver!

The yarn is a beautiful skein of Zen Yarn Garden in 'Gold Dynasty'. Needless to say there were other goodies (can you say engraved pen, magnetic calendar, body mousse, a coordinating stitchmarker and a lovely card?). Oh, did I mention the patterns...glorious cabled socks and a second pattern for a lovely scarf.

All the unique goodies, the beautiful packaging, the yarn and patterns...exquisite!!!

AI speak: Yay oh yay for Jorge! Holy sour notes...Tatiana is in the running for a wild card position. Oy.


Anonymous said...

Awesome photos! It made me enjoy my kit all over again. I already ate the chocolate though.

Courtney said...

Ooooh way jealous!

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Oh, my. That is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of all those goodies, especially the tasty-looking chocolate and the beautiful yarn!!

And I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that Tatiana doesn't make it through. I can't stand watching her anymore!!

Rani said...

Great photos! What a fun kit . . . mmmm chocolate.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to get my kit!

cupcakefaerie said...

I was actually going to thank you for sharing photos and details of your kit so that I could live vicariously through you, and then I realized that I'm signed up for Woolgirl's sock club too! (Scary that I don't remember this :)) Now I can't wait to get my package!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Terry must have forgotten that we "enabled" her to sign up!!

OKay, now that I have stopped laughing..hehehehhe, wasn't this package just perfect! Folded with a bow indeed! Seriously, so tempted to cast on tonight!!! Oh, and one of my chocolates are gone too!

Anonymous said...

Your photography never ceases to amaze me! Perfect eye for composition! Balance of shapes and colors draw me in! Beautiful reflections! Clever props like the "blue box"! Now, tell us if those lovely chocolates are history...

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for my package, but I couldn't wait for the surprise and had to have a peek at yours....hmmm....I am drooling. Can't wait to smoosh that yarn...