Friday, April 10, 2009

Stash Love: Yellow

Nature rarer uses yellow
Than another hue;

Saves she all of that for sunsets,--
Prodigal of blue,

Spending scarlet like a woman,
Yellow she affords

Only scantly and selectly,
Like a lover's words.
~Emily Dickinson

Happy Friday!


Rani said...

So warm! It's reminding me of Peeps. Not so natural, I know.

cupcakefaerie said...

swoon.... yes, please name that yarn, and what you are creating.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Gorgeous gorgeous citrine shur'tagals, right?! So pretty!! Spring is here!

Happy Friday!

knitspot anne said...

oh, happy friday to you, too gail! have a good weekend with lots of yellow.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

So beautiful!