Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Let them eat cakes

Yes...I did say cake!!

First up is birthday cake for Mr. NK!!

I was inspired by what I saw here.

I used a recipe from the Cake Doctor and made a mint buttercream frosting with just a smidge, a very small smidge, of green food dye.

Served a la mode.

Honestly, if we hadn't left the remaining cake with my parents, we would've had cake a la mode for breakfast, too.

Next up is Hello, Cupcake. We were in Tacoma visiting the Museum of Glass (more on that later!) where we saw this cute little shop, which happened to be open over the holiday weekend. Lucky, lucky us.

Second breakfast.


His and Hers Hors d'oeuvres.

Mine would be the Cotty sock. I love the sock, love the yarn, and we loved the crab cakes!

Back to the weekend for just a second...The Museum of Glass was awesome. If you've ever been there you know the area is a photographic mecca of art and architecture. Rotating glass installations around the plazas surrounding the museum provide an everchanging visionscape. The centerpiece of the area is the Chihuly bridge of glass. Hundreds (probably thousands) of pieces designed by Dale Chihuly are on display on this bridge.

Needless to say, I took a lot of pictures...a LOT! I'm getting them organized and will be sharing some of them with you...Not to worry, I have knitting show and tell, too!!

We had a total blast over the holiday weekend. I hope you all had an awesome weekend as well!

Happy Tuesday!!

Cotty sock pattern by IGK in STR 'Peek-a-boo peony'


Allison said...

That cake looks delicious! I went to college in Tacoma, and I love the museum of glass, too. It's nice to know there is now a cupcake place near there that I can try out when I go back to visit!

Unknown said...

Yum! To both the cakes and the Peek-a-Boo Peony Cotty.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Delish!! All of those cakes! Yum yum! Glad you had a great weekend!

Must. get. peek-a-boo peony. Gorgeous!

Rima said...

That cake looks way too delish!


cupcakefaerie said...

Ohhhhh! You did say cake. And what a gorgeous cake you baked. Mr. NK is a lucky lucky man!

Your Cotty sock is beautious. Love that colorway.

Looking forward to your glass pics!