Friday, March 05, 2010

heart of the night

It's Friday!! Any fun weekend plans for anyone? No big plans here at Chez NK. I'm taking a Still Life photography class and I have some photography homework...if it turns out I'll share.

I apologize for the lack of knitting content lately. I've been working on a time-sensitive secret project. Regularly scheduled programming should be returning in the next week or so!

Speaking of programming, who's watching American Idol (AI)?? What do you think? I'm on Team Crystal/Siobhan/Casey...what team are you on?

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! See you on the flip side!! xo

Everything is blooming most recklessly;
if it were voices instead of colors,
there would be an unbelievable shrieking
into the heart of the night.
~Rainer Maria Rilke


IrishGirlieKnits said...

Perfectly pink!! Just lovely!!

Happy Friday!!! Your photography class sounds great...definitely share your homework with us!

I'm looking forward to a weekend of relaxing after a few very busy ones it'll be nice to have nothing planned!

Susan said...

Love quince! I like your picks for AI. This is the first season I've watched it...some of it anyway...have to record it and ff the commercials.

Anonymous said...

Your photos are already so beautiful. Are you sure you aren't teaching the class? LOL

Allison said...

Happy weekend to you! I hope it's a relaxing one :) I have a visitor coming to town, so I'm looking forward to many hours of conversation, movie watching, and knitting time.

Carolyn Parker said...

Sorry, I haven't had time to visit and comment lately, but this one is tooooo much. I adore that quote---great quince

Magnolia Handspun said...

Beautiful, love the bokeh and color...I wish I could take a class sounds like so much fun.
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Love both of the photos, but the bottom one is ever SO romantic and touches a 'love place' in me. Love it.
I am sorta watching idol and I am totally loving Crystal. I love her voice, her story and her pluck.

Good weekend and knit on (photos, too)

Sam said...

For once we don't have a weekend jam packed with plans. I hope to knit and enjoy a bit of sunshine.

For AI I'm on the same team as you except I'd add Lilly and Lee . I can't pick a favorite this early.

Rani said...

Oh where oh where are you finding this Srping? Mine is still hiding and is nowhere to be found. Sleeping deep down beneath all of this glacial snow.

knitspot anne said...

oh wow, these are SOOO lovely; that pink is simply ethereal!