Friday, August 06, 2010

friday's flowers: strolling down laneda

The main drag (Laneda Ave) of Manzanita has some wonderful flowers gracing its curbs

and peeking out from fences.

I really have a thing for fences and flowers...cracks me up!

Art can also be found planted in front of some store fronts!

When the sun hits, the colors are so bright and vibrant.

Intoxicating, really.

It was fun to look around corners...

over fences...

and through courtyards...

to see what one could see!

Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend...make sure to look around, you don't want to miss anything!! xo


Susan (florali) said...

What vibrant and fun glimpses!

Judy S. said...

And did you go to the yarnshop? We're off to Timberline and points south for a few days.

elizabeth said...

Oooh, I can't wait until it cools off and I can get back to walking around the neighborhood! I love walking through the alleys and really seeing people's gardens, but the dogs go crazy and I worry they'll think I'm a n'er-do-well!

The fifth picture looks like an impressionist painting.

LoriAngela said...

I love the white hydrangeas, like old aunts who want just a bit of attention. Your cornflower is so beautiful, I forwarded it to Cornflower:

Rani said...

Charming, beautiful photos.

Jane said...

Lovely flower photos. Happy weekend.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Oh, Manzanita! I love it, but haven't been there in ages. Thanks for sharing the pix; I feel like I had a little vacay right now.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

A perfect stroll captured! Hope you are enjoying your weekend :)

Lolly said...

I must get me some red go with my turquoise chairs. Beautiful!