Monday, August 02, 2010

monday greens

We are back from a fantastic weekend at the beach. It was a much needed break, and although most of the time the skies were overcast and gray, we were at the beach, and ALL weather is good weather at the beach!

As hoped for, a lot of knitting and photography (although not much knitting photography) was accomplished!

I started this project a long time soon as I saw it pictured over at Cristi's place, here.

It's the Hamamelis shawl designed by Kristin Kapur. The yarn is Hazel Knits from last year's fall club, the colorway is 'Cascade Canopy'.

I so wanted to finish it while at the beach so I could do an FO shoot there, but alas...too many stitches per row and not enough time.

I'm just two rows away, then blocking, then its glamour shots! I can't wait.

I hope you all had a great weekend and that Monday is treating you well!

Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Magnolia Handspun said...

Lovely touch with the seashell as if a mermaid is knitting with seaweed.

Rani said...

I can never have too much green!

turtlegirl76 said...

Ooh I can't wait to see it! That's a fabulous color for it! Wasn't it a fun knit?

underthebigbluesky said...

oh so jealous of you knitters!

i love the seashell what a wonderful complement.

and the emerson quote, perfect, i will take it on vacation with me!

Jane said...

Love the green, great photos.

Carolyn Parker said...

These shots look pretty glamorous to me. Green beauty everywhere-- that second one has my heart beating faster!