Thursday, September 02, 2010

autumn preparedness

It's around the corner...autumn, that is.

We're having a brief respite from the drizzle and gray...but it won't be denied...autumn, that is.

Resistance is futile.

PSLs have "happily returned" according to the signage and my tummy!

Socks are being knit and hurriedly finished to keep toes warm when the temperature takes a dip. I don't want to be like the grasshopper and be caught unprepared!!

Two days of drizzle and a PSL (okok, maybe it was 2 PSLs, I think there was a celebration in the morning, too) later, I'm ready...for autumn, that is.

Mr. NK took me out yesterday to celebrate the impending change of season with a PSL...AKA patiently accompanied me by sitting through yet another photoshoot!

He's a keeper...Mr. NK, that is!

A friend is one that knows you as you are,
understands where you have been,
accepts what you have become,
and still, gently allows you to grow.
~William Shakespeare

My Heart Beets 4U socks designed by Anne Hanson for RSC in STR 'Firecracker'


Bobbie in AK said...

Yum, Pumpkin Spice Latte's! We have our local Kaladi Brothers up here, which I dearly love, but I do look forward to the seasonal drinks from Starbucks every year. Yours looks so pretty - almost too good to drink.
The socks are divine!

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

I had one yesterday too! While I made myself a honey, cardamom and vanilla latte this morning I may have to have a PSL this afternoon too :-)

Patricia said...

That looks good!!!
We don't have these around the corner :(
Beautiful sunny warm socks!

Susan {Florali} said...

I haven't had coffee for 8 months (yikes). Maybe it's time to break my fast...socks look yummy, too!

Bobbie Casey said...

Oh my goodness you write such tempting things.
I want a pumkin spiced Latte, too.
It seems the golden light is here and the leaves are falling already!
I want to savor each moment, like you.
Working on some socks, too. You are right, toasty toes will feel so nice. So soon.


Judy S. said...

Great socks! Love the colors of all of them. Do you get the huge spiders like we do when fall is on its way?

Lolly said...

I may have to try a PSL (I'm such a chocoholic, though.)

Rani said...

Today is cold - 60 degrees - with gray and white clouds tumbling by. This here is knittin' weather. As much as I hate to see summer go, there is something refreshing about these first early hints of autumn.

I thought of you and your countdown to autumn this morning when I looked out the window. Gorgeous socks. I am so ready to knit through my UFO's - the weather will inspire me.

Jodi said...

Hurray for autumn and PSLs! Your knitting photos are always such an inspiration.