Wednesday, October 06, 2010

wordless wednesday


Rani said...

I was just catching up on your blog. As usual, the pictures are just beautiful. The golden light of that tomato pic is really nice. I can smell that tomato, by the way, right through my computer screen.

I have not been knitting myself socks lately and have yucky cotton socks to show for it. However, I bought a pair of mary jane type clogs . .. you know the kind - the type to perfectly show off my hand knit socks. So as soon as I finish up some of the ufo's, it's back to some socks. and maybe some sweaters. and there's that shawl I wanted to try and . . . .

frökenvinter said...

Thank you for the comment on my blog :)

The pattern is 'Heart to heart socks' by Wendy D. Johnson.