Monday, November 01, 2010

joy in the woods

Look who's finished and blocked!

I love it. My Autumn Joy shawl. Finished just in time to ward off the autumn chill! I used a combination of the ripple, medallion (cat's paw!!) and leaf pattern motifs found here.

Thank you all so much for your wonderful and warm birthday wishes. I had a great weekend filled with cake, knitting, a road trip with Mr. NK, more cake...and a fun photoshoot with my sister.

She learned some new techniques at an autumn photo workshop she attended earlier in October, so we went out in search of a grove of trees and played...and played.

Of course I carried the shawl along with me, as it was one of the few sunny days of the week.

One cannot look away from the gift of sun this time of year in Oregon!

This stand of cottonwoods did the trick...I'm not sure I have the technique down, but practice will be fun!

We also found some water reflecting some of the fall color. A heron was hiding in there, never know what you might see out here.

Well...I'm about to the end of my photos and words.

I hope you have a great week!!

I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine
by staying in the house.
So I spend almost all
the daylight hours in the open air.
~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Autumn Joy shawl designed by me and knit in STR 'Gail's Autumn Joy'


Susan {florali} said...

The photos are a m a z i n g!! Maybe you'll teach a workshop and share how they were done. ;o) And Happy Belated Birthday!!

Judy S. said...

Wonderful photos and a very beautiful shawl. From his quote, Hawthorne must have spent time in the PNW. LOL

LoriAngela said...

Love, love the shawl! Thanks for taking us along on your autumn celebration.

Anonymous said...

The shawl is stunning, the photography gorgeous. Love the photos of the trees!

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Beautiful shawl (truly a joy!) and beautiful photos, too. Thanks for sharing!

turtlegirl76 said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

Maryse said...

Really beautiful! You couldn't have picked a more appropriate name!

Linda said...

Your shawl and photos are gorgeous!

Allison said...

You got some really neat photos! I'd love to know a bit more about this technique. And that shawl is just absolute perfection!

Discoknits said...

beautiful shawl and beautiful photos :0)

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

Gorgeous shawl and pics! The new photo technique looks really neat.

Rani said...

Be still my heart - beautiful.

Connie said...

As always, I love your photography. Will you be sharing your shawl pattern with us?