Friday, April 22, 2011


Something new popped onto the needles...I didn't mean for it to happen, really I didn't.

This color is the lovely 'Ladyslipper' in Woolen Rabbit Lucent.

The pattern is Rivercat by Brenda Patipa.

I think the pattern is working up beautifully in this lovely yarn. It's memorizable, too!

What do you have planned for the weekend? I'm taking a Photoshop class, and I'm thinking about going to the tulip festival if it isn't too rainy.

If you're celebrating Easter this weekend, I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Happy Friday! Happy weekend!! xo

I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown,
for going out,
I found, was really going in. 
~John Muir


Bobbie Casey said...

Beautiful blues.
I hope you have a lovely weekend, too.
Love the quotes. Good luck with your workshop. I am sure it will be so fun.

Word Lily said...

I'm making Rivercats, too! I'm just past the heel (still mid-gusset) on the first.

Cory Ellen said...

What a lovely yarn - just the perfect amount of variegation. And I'm of the firm opinion that casting on for something new is never a bad thing, especially when it's socks. Who doesn't need more socks?

Andrea Vlahakis said...

What a stunning color from Kim. Isn't is fun how something new pops OTN? :) Like Cory Ellen said, it's never a bad thing. Enjoy the Photoshop class and tulip festival!

Judy S. said...

Nice yarn aand pattern, Gail. Have a lovely weekend.

Allison said...

Happy weekend to you, too! I have a full schedule (well, right now the scheduled item is "make pancakes for breakfast"...), and lots of time spent with friends.
That sock is beautiful :)

Andi said...

Have a great weekend. Your Riversocks in that blue are incredible. As always you are inspiring!

Lolly said...

Good luck with the Photoshop!
You make that Ladyslipper prettier than I've ever seen it.
I hadn't planned it; but I went by the lys today and came home with a drop spindle and 3 little balls of roving. And I've already spun them up, have one little wet skein hanging, one soaking, and one waiting for its bath. I'll have to try to take some decent photos!

Jane said...

Lovely photos, the blue ones and the flowers, so pretty. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.