Monday, October 21, 2013


We went for a little road trip this past weekend.
We explored two states and 5 counties.
I shot everything from street to moon by the time we headed home.

I took socks with me just in case there was an opportunity for a glamour shot!

Below is the view of Cape Horn in Washington State.

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.
~ Lao Tzu  


dianne said...

That is just beautiful! The few visits I have had the the PNW have been short but lovely. Some day DH & I are going to take a vacation there and explore it's beauty!

Anonymous said...

I just made myself some socks with cascade yarn and they are the most comfortable socks I've made so far! What kind of yarn do you use?

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous spot! I think I thought that places like this didn't exist any longer. No poop as far as the eye can see.